Study: Why should we rethink the socio-economic assessment methods for infrastructure projects?

The response to growing infrastructure needs of all kinds (networks, water and energy, transport, digital economy, ecological and climatic transition) is limited by the level of public debt in most countries. To date, it has been governed in Europe by the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact. The contribution of private financing and the reimbursement which comes from users (tolls, tariffs, fees, etc.) is still very insufficient, although it is increasing.

Considering investment in infrastructure only from the perspective of expenditure, and ignoring the direct and indirect tax return it provides over time and its contribution to servicing the debt subscribed for its realization, is one of the main explanations for the weakness of the response to infrastructure needs.

CICA, with the active support of the French Federation of Public Works (FNTP), is committed to collaborate with the research institutes GREDEG and the CNRS laboratory at the University of Nice, to deepen the causes and put forward proposals for improvement. A first report has just been published in French language and has been translated into English by the CICA Management Team.

Download the report: Why should we rethink the socio-economic assessment methods for infrastructure projects? A survey of the academic literature and business implications.

French (original) version: Pourquoi faut-il repenser les méthodes d’évaluation socio-économique des projets d’infrastructures? Fondements académiques et implications opérationnelles.