
décembre 14, 2022

Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries – Impact of ecology and climate transition on project preparation

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PIARC taskforce 1.1 on good project preparation has produced two reports in 2022, unfortunately with limited participation of LMICs; the new taskforce TF 1.3 tries to make up for this gap, focusing in particular on project studies financing issues and the role of development banks. The webinar aims at a fruitful discussion to collect experience from all interested parties.

Webinar program:

o Introduction to the webinar by Michel DÉMARRE, chair of taskforce 1.3o « Project preparation in LMICs » by Lavagnon IKA, PhD
Professeur titulaire, Gestion de projet | Full Professor, Project Management
Directeur fondateur, Observatoire sur les grands projets | Founding Director, Major Projects Observatory
École de gestion Telfer |Telfer School of Management
Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa
o « The Multilateral Development Banks’ alignment to the Paris agreement : what does it mean for road projects?” by Jean-François Marteau, Practice Manager Transport West Africa, World Bank, (to be confirmed)