Construction 5.0

CICA working group Construction 5.0. is chaired by Carlos Bascou, member of the Chilean Construction Chamber (CCHC) and co-chaired by Jean-Louis Marchand, former President of the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC).
Construction 5.0 aims at promoting the alignment of technological and digital innovations for the construction sector with the societal dimension under the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
Construction 5.0 is the merger of the previous Construction 4.0 and Sustainable Construction Working Groups.

4.0 implied technologies such as BIM, drones, robots and Artificial Intelligence including Big Data and Augmented Reality. The 5.0 dimension adds the social aspect of digitalization including commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by aligning for example the industry’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Objective of the new WG Construction 5.0 for the next year shall be to elaborate concrete recommendations/action plan for the construction sector on best practices for sustainable construction and innovation (Construction 4.0). The objective would be to define opportunity windows mainly around CO2 reduction and reduced energy consumption from a contractors’ perspective (e.g. recycling framework, investment portfolios allowing to reduce carbon emissions etc.). The concrete scope of action and the related KPIs allowing to measure the influence and impact of the construction sector in fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), shall be defined for the next 2 years.
The Construction 4.0 dimension is complementary to sustainable construction and vice-versa as new and digital technologies will enable to achieve sustainable construction objectives. The use of robotization, Artificial Intelligence, including Big Data and Augmented Reality is expected to enhance the ability to monitor construction projects and to improve the performance of the construction industry towards delivering sustainable and smart buildings/infrastructure.