
décembre 1, 2022

CICA’s Mission to Washington

CICA’s General Assembly

In the margins of the 2022 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings, CICA organised a mission to  Washington D.C, between October 10th – 14th, 2022. A delegation of 30 contractors and contruction associations were able to meet with high level representatives of the industry.

CICA Delegation exchanged with IFC (International Finance Corporation), WB (World Bank), NAHB (National Association of Home Builders) as well as MCC (Millennium Challenge Corporation). Discussions around subjects such as Procurement Policy, Asset Recycling, Affordable & Energy Efficient Housing, Integrity… took place. 

CICA met with the Millennium Challenge Corporation

The Millennium Challenge Corporation welcomed CICA for an introductory meeting in early October. The perfect opportunity for CICA Members to learn about MCC’s funded programs, in energy, transport, sanitation, roads etc. sectors. MCC forms partnerships with developing countries who are committed to good governance, economic freedom and investing in their citizens. Its grants are designed to complement other development programs, as well as create an enabling environment for the private sector to invest in. In a context of war, supply chain disruptions and inflation, the construction industry is interested in solutions and programs, supporting its activities worldwide. May this fruitful introduction lead to further exchanges between the industry stakeholders.

CICA’s meeting with the World Bank Executive Directors

CICA Members met with their Executive Directors for about 2 hours. The occasion for EIC to introduce the audience with their Toolkit for Sustainable Procurement, while CICA addressed the issues of Asset Recycling, and presented GLOPRAM and SOURCE platforms. Crucial feedbacks were shared by the audience and the Executive Directors, that will fuel EIC and CICA’s coming works.

CICA and the National Association of Home Builders: first meeting in two years!

After months of online discussions, and after the integration of the housing topic as part of CICA’s interests, CICA and NAHB finally met again! Topics such as residential construction, affordable housing, energy efficiency, sustainable transition etc. were discussed. Clear synergies were identified, and exchanges of data and good practices will be the grounds of the future relations. CICA Housing Working Group was launched earlier this year, to address these topics. It aims at becoming a knowledge platform, for companies lacking technical help, financial resources or knowledge, on how to build sustainable and affordable buildings.

CICA and the Inter-American Development Bank: Procurement Policy, Investment Methods and Collaboration

CICA had the opportunity to meet with IDB’s high level representatives in Washington. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, IDB helps improve health, education, and advance infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB currently finances 2% of the $900 billion in procurement financing in LAC, which represents almost 30 000 contracts a year. IDB seeks for the highest bid value for money in every project and tender it supports. IDB prioritizes social inclusion, equality, productivity, innovation, regional economic integration in its development work across Latin America and the Caribbean and addresses issues such as gender equality, diversity, climate change and environmental sustainability. CICA and IDB agreed on further collaboration, particularly to organize events to promote IDB-financed projects.

CICA and the World Bank Procurement

CICA and the World Bank Procurement met for about 1 hour and half, to discuss the subjects of tenders, policies and training. The World Bank Procurement Team underlined the procurement policies orientations for the next years will be: Fit for Purpose, Greening supply chains, Contract Management. CICA companies asked for more harmonization in the bidding process giving some examples of projects with very high costs of bidding. CICA and the World Bank will continue working together on procurement issues to increase the participation of companies in World Bank tenders.

CICA Discussion on Integrity and Compliance with the World Bank

MDBs pay attention and investigate further into integrity, corruption and compliance issues. The World Bank Integrity Department notably receives about 4000 allegations a year. Guidelines and rules are applied at the project level on these issues. When substantive allegations are found, the World Bank asks its public counterparts in the countries to investigate and act. If no action is taken, financial remedies can arise. The construction sector being critical, the World Bank offered to organize outreach events to inform CICA members. As it was expressed during the meeting, the construction sector is aware of these issues, and it is key to address them, to prevent the rising cost of services and the infrastructure gap.

CICA and the International Finance Corporation discussed green buildings

IFC helps countries develop their private sectors in a variety of ways: Investing in companies through loans, equity investments, debt securities and guarantees. Mobilizing capital from other lenders and investors through loan participations, parallel loans and other means. Advising businesses and governments to encourage private investment and improve the investment climate. CICA and IFC discussed IFC’s EDGE green building certification system, which focuses on making buildings more resource efficient. The EDGE certification requires a minimum projected reduction of 20% in energy use, water use, and embodied energy in materials against a standard local building. IFC is currently working on a “green supply chain” platform, on which companies and project leaders will find recommendations on how to reuse raw materials and energies along their project life cycle. Learning sessions between IFC and CICA members could take place in the future.