CICA activities mainly aim at contributing to the expansion of the infrastructure market by promoting the constitution of a pipeline of projects of resilient infrastructures, but also improving the contractual and financial security of contractors and disseminating technical, managerial, environmental and social innovations.

Working groups
CICA's working groups gather multidisciplinary international experts from construction companies to discuss specific topics and issues. CICA regularly invites guests to participate and make presentations on a particular subject either through informal exchanges or round tables.
Position Papers
CICA makes it stand in a wide variety of concerns relevant for the construction industry and share them with the competent stakeholders.

Be part of the Construction
Worldwide Organization
CICA is the world’s largest, most representative organization for the construction industry. It gathers and defends the concerns of the construction industry worldwide. CICA has unrivalled authority in promoting rules to improve the conduct of the construction business across borders.
CICA’s privileged links with major intergovernmental organizations and international financial institutions allow CICA to effectively represent the interests of its members for developing and industrialized countries taking into account the interests of both business providers and users.